However, do you really have an idea of the origin of Chinese feng shui? As defined, it is a Chinese art of arranging an environment. Feng shui works on the principle that people should be in harmony with their surroundings. Feng shui (pronounced “foong shway”) means “wind and water”, and originated in China about 3,000 years ago, but is based on the philosophy of the I Ching (Book of Change), which is about 6,000 years old. It was first used to determine the best position for burial sites, but was gradually extended to other spaces, and can in fact, be used in any space—home, garden, room, office, restaurant, or car, to name only a few examples. Since then, even the West adopted the beliefs.
More than the supernatural explanations behind these things are our attitude, faith and positive goals in life. Instead of displaying that red octagon-shaped mirror before our door to shoo away the bad spirit, what if we shun first our bad attitudes from ourselves. Surely, the good within us is more than a protection against any invasion from wickedness and bad luck.
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